Richards green fingers inspire Residents and Colleagues at Manor HouseToday at Manor House in Cambridgeshire, which offers residential, nursing and nursing dementia care, some home-grown vegetables have been harvested.
Richard, a Resident at Manor House has been given the freedom to produce his own home-grown organic vegetables, which yielded a nice return for his efforts. Using pop-up green houses in the garden, Richard produced some lovely tomatoes and large courgettes that were used in the kitchen for some meals and salads. 

It has inspired Residents and Colleagues alike to take part in growing their own fresh veg and going green in general. Richard said afterwards “I like to live for the day and while I’m still able to do things, I will seize each day I can”. 

Bheki, the Home Manager said, “By allowing Richard’s independence through positive risk taking and assessment he has been able to flourish in his own individual way and produce a marvellous harvest which he has shared with others”.