Winsford home has a busy week of cake making for church serviceThis week the new Wellbeing Colleague, Louise Davies, at Overdene House care home in Cheshire organised for some cake making to take place to bring to the following day’s church service. 

The very enthusiastic 22 Residents got involved with mixing, baking and decorating a variety of different cakes. Even though there was a little bit of a mess afterwards and lots of giggling that took place during, the cakes looked wonderful and they tasted fab too. All social distancing and masks were worn; with PPE rules adhered to. 

The next day coffee, tea, wine, sherry and of course the cakes were available at the church service and lots of singing and personal prays.

Louise commented, “The highlight was our eldest lady who is 99 years old who was telling the staff that we ‘must stay strong otherwise we will lose hope and we should always have hope’ – what wonderful, meaningful words.”

One Resident said, “How lovely. I had a great time making a mess baking it reminded me of my mum”.

Home Manager, Catherine Burns, said, “We have recently changed staff and this is when Louise had joined. I am so pleased and cannot wait to see what is to come.”