Remembrance day at Coventry care homeColleagues and Residents at HC One’s Victoria Park care home held their own remembrance service today.

The Residents at the Coventry care home wanted to do something to remember Remembrance Day so they all got together and decided to create their own poppies. 

The Residents spent their time cutting and colouring the poppies to create a display for the community to see. 

This turned into a trip down memory lane and they all joined in a discussion about their experience during the war and how they felt.
Some of the comments from Residents described how they were scared and others were sad to have to leave their family behind. 

One resident said he worked on the front line and another said that they have a lot of memories about Remembrance Day. Whilst it was hard to hear about the difficult times they had, they all enjoyed creating the scene for Remembrance Day.