The Residents of
Oakhill House residential home, in Horsham, which offers nursing, residential dementia and nursing dementia care, held a dedicated day of events and games for World Animal Day to celebrate the charity and its work, all whilst having some fun.
Most Residents at Oakhill participated, which saw a number of animal-based activities throughout the day.
World Animal Day’s aim is to raise the profile of animal rights around the world through as many groups, businesses, clubs and organisations as possible, with Residents and Colleagues at Oakhill House wanting to be a part of this.
As lots of the Residents at Horsham’s Oakhill are animal lovers the day was a hit! Throughout the day there were quizzes, animal-themed conversations, various games, and, the Residents’ favourite, an animal themed photo booth complete with masks and props.
The residential home also has a dedicated newspaper, which was especially animal themed in line with World Animal Day.
The staff at the residential home said that it was ‘great to see the Residents doing something different and having so much fun.’ Shaun, the Home Manager said: “It’s always entertaining to do something different and celebrate a cause that our brilliant Residents can get on board with. Combined with some fun in their photo booth it was a great day for a great cause.”
The day was described as ‘fun’ and ‘magical’, and all for a good cause. It’s fair to say that the day was a roaring success!