This year in preparation for Harvest Festival,
Clarendon Hall residential and nursing care home, in Grimsby, wanted to make a scarecrow to join in the festivities.
Hayley Sandison, Wellbeing Coordinator, got all the parts for him ready and as a team with the Residents, they assembled the Clarendon Scarecrow (pictured bottom left). After making one last year it was a competition to be better this year.
Each Resident involved enjoyed being able to do a part of the scarecrow and then seeing him assembled. “Wow he is so heavy!” One of the Residents remarked.
Barbara, who lives at Clarendon Hall, said, “He is much better than last years, we must be getting more experienced!”
Nicola Walker, Home Manager, added, “It was lovely to see everyone get involved to create a new member of our family.”
See pictured Residents Barbara Brumby and Amy Glover and Carer Cheryle Marrows with Resident Jean Lennox.