Residents at HC-One’s
Chandlers Ford care home, in Eastleigh, Hampshire, were visited an Elvis Presley impersonator on 7th April for an afternoon of singing and dancing.
Dale, who portrayed Elvis throughout his time at the 41-bed residential and nursing care home, arrived early and took his time walking around the dining room and lounge talking to each Resident, while in full character. Dale got many laughs, and Residents appreciated his words.
He then did a live performance, and all the Residents were singing and tapping their hands and feet. One Resident danced with a member of the team in the middle of the lounge. The whole performance was very uplifting.
Margaret, who lives at Chandlers Ford enjoyed the attention and couldn't stop laughing when Dale approached her. fellow Resident Ann loved dancing with Colleague Sita and Pauline said, “The atmosphere was lovely and very upbeat.”
Ken, also a Resident at the care home, remarked, “The variety of music was good and I enjoyed myself.”
Two Relatives, who weren’t able to attend the event, made praising comments about the performance the following day as their loved ones had given them positive feedback about the show.
Lucy Hilferty, Care Home Manager, commented, “The whole experience was very fulfilling for our Residents. It was lovely to see so much action happening and everyone together.”