Today at
The Hornchurch in Essex, which provides nursing, residential, residential dementia and nursing dementia care, the wellbeing team have been carrying out one to one arts and crafts sessions.
Any of the Residents who expressed an interest before hand were given a plain stone, providing them with the opportunity to express their creativity and imagination. They used paint, coloured markers and glitter to personalise their stones. Residents really enjoyed taking part in this activity, and it really helped to increase social interaction between the Residents, and it allowed them to get to know the wellbeing team a little better. The Wellbeing Coordinators said it was lovely to speak with the Residents, finding out how their day had been and how they were feeling.
Once the Residents had finished decorating the stones, they all said how happy they were with the designs and also asked the wellbeing team if they could put them on display in their bedrooms!
Speaking with wellbeing team after one Colleague said “This had been a very enjoyable activity which let all Residents create their own personal stones” It seems that this activity was quite popular, with the Residents all agreeing that they really enjoyed creating their own personal art pieces. One Resident said, “I love how my stone has turned out, please will you put it atop my dresser?”
The Home Manager Tania, commented that “I am pleased that all the Residents who participated in todays activity enjoyed themselves!”