As Autumn draws to a close and winter is settling in, Residents at
Chandlers Ford care home, which is located on the eastern edge of the South Downs National Park, have been making the most of the season and participating in lots of activities before the festivities begin.
Residents at the 41-bed residential and nursing care home, Audrey, Ken, Sylvia, Ann, Agnes and Margaret, formed a group and took part in special Remembrance activities in mid-November. They spent time colouring poppies in and chatting about their memories of the wars in their lifetimes among each other and to Siobhan, Wellbeing Coordinator and Helen, Housekeeper.
Everyone enjoyed getting together and sharing their memories.
Lucy Hilferty, Care Home Manager, commented, “It's moving to hear first-hand memories of the wars and our Residents’ experiences; some happy times mixed with very challenging times.”
The reminiscence continued and on 28th November, Residents enjoyed a visit from a local musical entertainer, who sang a medley of songs from 1940s-1970s to Residents, Relatives and Colleagues.
Audrey, Dudley, Mabel, Diane, Margaret, and Agnes enjoyed singing and dancing along to their favourite tunes.
Lucy added, “It's so lovely to see our Residents having a good time with their friends and family.”