Bristol care home Residents turn back in time with visit to retail and farming history museumThis September, Residents at HC-One’s Amerind Grove care home, in Ashton, were taken on the home’s minibus to Oakham Treasures Museum, which was just a short 15-minute drive away, to journey back in time and experience its unique attractions and memorabilia from the past century. 

Everyone enjoyed looking at lots of collections, which sparked many memories from childhood. From displays of old-fashioned milk bottles to tractors, there were so many wonderful things to remember. 

The wellbeing team Kay and Maria, Carer Tasha, Volunteer Sue and Residents, then continued their trip by travelling to Clevedon for the day, much like they did in August, and while it was a lovely day out walking along the promenade, the rain did make an appearance. Before heading back to Amerind Grove, the group enjoyed a delightful pub lunch.  

All Residents that went out in the minibus really enjoyed themselves and even had a group singalong to ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ on the way home, due to the torrential rain! 

Wellbeing Coordinator, Kay Morrison, said, “Residents said they were very happy and very much enjoyed going out together. We love trips out!”