At HC-One’s
Riverside View, nursing and nursing dementia care home in Dundee, Residents and staff were thrilled to host the annual summer fete.
On Saturday 3rd September, Residents, staff and Relative came together at the care home for some end of summer celebrations.
The whole day was planned so families could get together and enjoy some fun before the Autumn creeps in.
There were many stalls, games, and raffles to join in with and all money raised on the day was put into the Residents comfort fund.
Residents and guest enjoyed lots of lovely food and sweet treats as well as dancing along to a DJ.
Classic fete games were set up such as hook-a-duck and there was a lovely BBQ with burgers, hotdogs, and pies.
One of the funniest parts of the day included the staff participated in Zorbing. They got into giant inflatable balls and were running all over the garden.
Janet Kermack, Area Director, commented, “Was such a good afternoon and the Zorb’s were so much fun!”
As all the Residents were together it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the sponsored walk the Residents participated in during August. Residents were presented with awards and medals to celebrate such a fantastic achievement.
Nursing Assistant, Francine, remarked, “Success is the best when it is shared.”
It was a lovely day with everyone enjoying themselves and having a great time!
Clair McDonald, Care Home Manager, said, “What a fantastic day! Everyone was having a great time and a good laugh. We can’t wait for next year.”