Burnley Resident becomes centenarian in styleAt Lancashire’s residential, nursing, residential dementia and nursing dementia care home, Dove Court, one Resident celebrated her 100th birthday today.

Kathleen Heath, pictured, was born on 22nd June 2021 at her grandma’s house in Todmorden, less than ten miles from where she is living now. 

For her 100th birthday party, Colleagues made sure there was plenty of drinks and cakes and of course, Kathleen’s favourite drink, gin and tonic with a slice of lemon.

She had lots of cards and balloons too which she thoroughly enjoyed opening. 

As a child, Kathleen enjoyed Blackpool and was a keen dancer; she loved to go dancing at the Blackpool Tower ballroom. 

when she sold her house, Kathleen travelled the world on her own with the favourite place she has travelled to being Padaborn in Germany

For her career, Kathleen worked at the makeup counter in Woolworths and was also married. 

Kathleen has lots of loving family, including a sister, Margaret, a nephew called Peter, a grandson called Richard, daughter-in-law Helen and a great grandson Thomas. She also had a son, who sadly died twelve years ago.

Kathleen’s motto in life is “Don't worry, come a day go a day. God sends Sundays!”