Residents at HC-One’s residential and nursing memory care home,
Kings Park, in Hurst Cross, enjoyed a themed lunch for Burns Night celebrations this January.
The dining rooms were decorated with party decorations and traditional Scottish folk music was played. The lunch served consisted of an option of ‘haggis, neeps and tatties’, a traditional Scottish meal. Most Residents disliked the haggis but were happy to give it a try. There was whiskey available to those who wanted a tipple too.
Residents and Colleagues, including David, Fred, Hilary, Ann, Sara, Kayleigh, Louise, Ann, Harold and Len, also enjoyed a recitation of the poem ‘Address to a Haggis’.
David commented, “I’d give the haggis a miss, but I’ll have another whiskey!”
Lisa Joy, Care Home Manager, commented, “What a lovely afternoon, enjoyed by everyone!”
“We now plan to have a themed ‘Flavours of the World’ meal every Tuesday starting next week with Chinese to celebrate Chinese New Year!”