Devizes care home Resident reunites with 1937 vintage carOn 27th May, a beautiful vintage car appeared at Market Lavington care home, which offers residential, nursing and residential dementia care, in Devizes, which was much to one Residents’ delight as it brought back many memories and reminiscing. 

The 1937 Austin Seven, belonging to Resident, Frank Anderson, was brought to the care home by a friend Stuart Creasie, who is kindly looking after the car for him. 

Stuart and Frank’s friendship dates back forty years and they met at an antique car meet in the early 1980s; being friends ever since! This has been the first opportunity in more than two years, due to the coronavirus pandemic, that Stuart has been able to bring the car to Market Lavington for Frank to see again

And when the four-wheels rocked up at the home, Frank spent time outside, admiring its beauty and telling everyone about the story behind it. 

Frank, who has lived at Market Lavington for many years and enjoys reminiscing to people, described the history behind the purchase, “I bought it sometime in the 1970s. It was in the corner of a field. The man who owned it treated it like junk. I offered him £25 for it but he wanted £50, which was a fair bit in the early 70s. So, I gave in and paid it as I loved the car.”

Riaz Ali, Wellbeing Coordinator, asked Frank about its condition and how long it took him to make it roadworthy. Frank said, “Well, the pistons were broken, the carpet was rotted, the engine was knackered. It took me about six months to get it on the road. I repainted it, had a new covering for it. I needed to replace the steering wheel too – all with authentic replacements of course.”

Frank has another Austin Seven that dates from 1933 but that one isn’t on the road at the moment.

Riaz Ali, Wellbeing Coordinator, commented, “It is always a joy hearing about his hobbies and interests and the life he has led; he was also a professional musician and played clarinet in a band!”