Residents at HC-One’s Willow Brook care home in Carlton celebrated Easter weekend with a lovely buffet, egg and spoon race and Easter bonnet parade.
Willow Brook care home had lots of fun at their Easter party held on Good Friday. A lovely buffet was prepared by the home chef and the Home Manager made a lovely Easter cake.
Easter games was played following lunch with the staff taking part in a wheelchair egg and spoon race with the Residents cheering them on. Bingo was played and prizes won by Residents Ray and Dorothy.
Easter bonnets were made and a parade was held with Dorothy winning best hat for the ladies and Ray for the men. Chocolate Easter bunnies were given out to everyone who submitted and staff held a raffle to raise money for the Residents fund.
“It has been lovely seeing all the Residents and the staff have fun together this Easter,” said Willow Brook Home Manager, Marie Duke Parker.