Today, Residents at Highclere care home, in Buckinghamshire, had lots of fun festivities!
The day started with Residents opening presents from family, friends and Highclere care home itself. All Residents had so many gifts to open, and they really enjoyed it; Margaret, who lives at Highclere, was so happy with all her gifts she couldn't stop thanking everyone!
Colleagues also rung most families next of kin to wish them a Merry Christmas and all families were overjoyed when receiving the calls.
Residents then enjoyed a wonderful Christmas three course lunch which consisted of prawn cocktail or tomato soup for starter and a full roast turkey dinner and good old-fashioned Christmas pudding for afters. All residents really enjoyed it.
Farai Maringa, Home Manager, commented, “We received some lovely feedback from families to say thank you for the phone calls which they received from their loved ones. We really did have a lovely Christmas!”