Residents at Roxburgh House care home have been busy this week making photo props for pictures taken over the festive period.
Colleagues organised the ‘Selfie Stick’ activity and plan to make Christmas baubles with the photos.
“We used card and tinsel to make festive glasses, as well as pompoms to make Santa hats and stockings,” explained one Colleague, “We also used knitting needles for the handles so that they are easily wiped clean in between each selfie.”
Colleagues and Residents also made some snowmen and Santa crafts. Sheila Gregory, Resident, came up with a clever idea of making the snowmen’s eyes to look like coal so they used black card.
The Residents loved posing for the photos, with many reiterating, “Say ‘Cheese’!”
Audrey Stringer, Resident, said that the Santa was, “Life-like,” and fellow Resident, Mona Hart, said that they looked, “Very cute.”
Maureen Taylor, who lives at Roxburgh House, asked for a selfie photo of her two babies as well.”
Linda Wilkes, Home Manager, remarked, “What a clever idea, I can’t wait to see them finished.”