A Resident at HC-One’s
Victoria Gardens care home in Coventry, who lives with dementia, was read lines from some of her favourite books, which she was able to recite to the delight of Colleagues.
Shirley, a Resident at Victoria Gardens, lives with dementia and used to love reading books in her younger days. The homes wellbeing coordinator Lucy, regularly reads books, newspapers and plays music/radio to her so she can experience some of her favourite past times.
Shirley has a decorated room with pictures of celebrities she used to love and pictures of her gorgeous family. This month, after speaking to the family, Victoria Gardens wellbeing coordinator ordered some Barbara Erskine books which Shirley used to read often.
On May 6th, when Lucy read the first chapter to Shirley, she started to speak, and commented on some fractions of the book. Although she could not make out all that Shirley was saying, it was very obvious that she remembered the book and was attempting to engage.
It was such a fantastic and emotional moment for Colleagues to see Shirley really engaging in an activity.
“It is amazing to know that our efforts to support Shirley’s wellbeing are working,” beamed Lucy.
In the peaceful residential area of Tile Hill, on the outskirts of Coventry, Victoria Gardens is a lovely, purpose-built home with 28 beds, offering residential care.