As the weather appeared to get better at the beginning of May and restrictions were eased, Colleagues at HC-One’s
Priory Mews care home in Dartford didn’t waste any time in taking Residents for a day out.
On 6th May, the sun was shining across Dartford and it presented the opportunity to take a few of Priory Mews Residents out for the day. Residents discussed with Colleagues where they wanted to go before they left, with the most popular suggestion being the park.
Colleagues granted the Residents wishes and took a handful of Residents to the local park for a game of bowls and to the duck pond to see some of their feathered friends,
The staff helped Colleagues feed the local duck and made sure that the Residents had a really good time, stayed warm and most of all stayed safe.
The afternoon was a great success and every Resident said they had a really good afternoon.
Priory Mews Home Manager Rose Akem said: “Any event takes a lot of planning and this was no exception. Our thanks go out to the Maintenance Officer who drove the Residents around.”
Located in historic Dartford, Priory Mews is a friendly care home with 156 beds, offering residential, nursing, residential dementia and nursing dementia care.