Everyone at Cradley Heath care home, Roxburgh House, has certainly been in for a treat this week, not only have they been creating beautiful Christmas decorations, but the ‘Roxie Bar’ has opened.
Residents Irene Prosser, Roy Holloway, Tony Crump and Maureen Taylor all enjoyed the new bar which is nicknamed ‘Roxie’ after the home. Irene enjoyed a festive glass of Baileys, whilst Tony and Roy watched the football.
Everyone chatted and enjoyed their drinks while Home Manager, Linda Wilkes, posed as the barmaid and made everyone’s drinks.
Roy said, “It’s great to have a beer with my mate.” Tony and Roy liked to be able to have a drink while watching the sport.
Maureen said, “It’s a lovely idea and I will be using the bar again.”
Also coming from the home this week is Christmas wreath making. Residents drew around their hands and cut them out. These prints were then laminated and arranged in the shape of a wreath. On popped some laminated holly and a little bit of detail then ta-da! (see picture). Gail, June, Sheila Brenda, Jean and Marjorie all joined in. Marjorie thought it was, “A very good idea to laminate the hand shapes”
Resident Gail liked the hologram holly and June said that she liked the green card that was used for the hand shapes.
Irene, who also loves at Roxburgh House, agreed, “Very effective, such a good idea!”
Linda remarked, “We have certainly had plenty to do this week and Residents have been busy enjoying themselves.”