Residents at HC-One’s
Ashgrove care home in Dudley enjoyed a week filled with activity, as they baked their own cookies and planted some flowers ready for the garden.
On April 16th, Residents set to the task of planting some flowers to start propagating for the homes garden. Resident Betty chose sunflower seeds and Pam chose forget-me-nots in memory of those who have passed away.
Residents had so much fun planting the seeds but Colleagues certainly weren’t laughing when it came to the clean up!
Ashgrove Home Manager Julie Jones said: “All the Residents enjoyed telling me and other Residents about their garden and which plants they love.”
On April 20th, Colleagues tasked Residents to bake some wonderful cookies for everyone in the home to enjoy.
Residents Alan, Laura, Colin, Tina and Rachel all took part in rolling out the dough, mixing all the ingredients in and making sure they were cooked right through.
Everyone laughed and joked together and it brought back many memories for Residents who loved cooking in their youth and with their own children when they grew older.
In the popular area of Netherton, on the outskirts of Dudley,
Ashgrove is a purpose-built care home with 57 beds, offering nursing and residential dementia care.