Further to the wonderful relationships building up between Residents at Market Lavington care home, and the children of the local St Barnabus School, Residents had a lovely surprise today when the Headteacher, Lindsay Clough, dropped off some handmade Easter cards from the children to the Residents, who they had been chatting to over the last couple of weeks!
June, Violet, Angela and Kath, who live at the home, were all absolutely thrilled to receive these personalised cards from the children. Riaz Ali, Wellbeing Coordinator, also received one, much to his surprise and delight!
“What a thoughtful thing for the children to do,” one Resident had said.
Everyone was so surprised at this unexpected, kind and thoughtful gesture! They loved the unique and individual designs on their cards!
“Oh, those children are so kind! They are so happy always,” Resident June said.
“They were so well-behaved too! How wonderful to receive this!” Fellow Resident Kathleen Duggan, pictured right with Violet Lloyd, added.
“That is so kind of them!” Angela said.
Riaz commented, “It was so wonderful to see the look of surprise on the faces of the Residents when I handed these lovely cards to them!”