Essex care home enjoy outside entertainmentToday at Larchwood care home in Braintree, which provides residential dementia care, Residents enjoyed an outside performance in the sun.

All Residents were helped to the garden by staff and were all wearing their sun hats. Phil the local entertainer played a range of different instruments including guitar and keyboard as well as singing some well-known songs from Elvis and various other 50s/60s hits. 

Some of the Residents got up and had a little dance and sing along, it was Phil’s first time visiting the home and the Residents expressed afterwards how happy they were with the performance. Refreshments were served by the staff, which were very much welcomed after all the clapping and singing.

Residents said after that “it was very impressive when he played the electric guitar and keyboard during one song” and also said how lovely the weather was “perfect for an outside performance!” one had said. Its safe to say Phil would be welcome back at Larchwood again in the future. 

Jade the Home Manager said “it was fantastic to have outside entertainment on such a lovely day, the Residents really enjoyed Phil and the music he was playing”.