It’s all been about dogs this week at
Gittisham Hill House care home, in Honiton, Devon, as they had a very friendly visit from a Resident’s family dog and dog walking as an activity.
Gordon, who lives at the 38-bed residential, nursing and dementia care home, just loves his family's pet dog, called Angus. And his fellow Residents love Angus too, especially when he came to visit sporting his Christmas jumper (see pictured).
Colleagues described the day Angus came as a very special time, seeing the smiles on Residents’ faces when they have a four-legged friend in the house.
Residents loved seeing Angus sit and hold his paw for more biscuits.
Following on, one of the home’s lovely Senior Carers even came to the care home on her day off to take a Resident, Antonia, with her for a dog walk with her little Pug. Antonia is used to dog walking as this used to be a daily routine for her and something Colleagues try to continue to support her with, wherever possible.
Antonia commented, “I just love dogs. I could do this all day!”
Having pets in the home sparks lots of reminiscing among Residents about their beloved pets together, which is a heart-warming topic for all involved.
Julia Heneker, Care Home Manager, commented, “People living with a dementia especially seem to light up when a lovely dog is visiting the home. I must say it makes me extremely happy.”