Fundraising efforts by the wellbeing team at River Court care home, in Watford, saw the introduction of many new activities for Residents, including a brand-new air hockey table.
After Wellbeing Coordinator Ali did a bit of fundraising, he was able to get some new games for the Residents. One of them was an air hockey table and that became an instant hit with the Residents.
It was new activity and the Residents enjoyed that change. The smiles and happiness it brought to the faces of the Residents was such a beautiful sight to see.
Not only does the air hockey game bring a new level of excitement, but it also promotes a good level of hand eye coordination.
Even the carers got involved with Residents and we encouraged Residents to play with each other.
Ali remarked, “All in all, one new simple game has brought a breath of fresh air and lots of joy for our beautiful Residents.”
“It was great to see our Residents enjoy the game and see them extremely excited.”
Bijoy Philip, Home Manager, commented, “We were delighted that with a bit of fundraising the Wellbeing Team brought so much happiness to our Residents.”
“It is our duty to keep our Residents stimulated, especially in such unprecedented times where things to do are limited. We are happy to provide new and exciting activities to our Residents.”