Gardening club meetings at Kirkcaldy care homeGreen fingered Residents at HC-One’s Chapel Level care home in Kirkcaldy have been making the most of the warmer weather to enjoy regular gardening club activities.

Residents have been busy planting flowers and tending to the garden ready for the coming summer months, everyone enjoyed soaking up the sunshine and chatting as they work as well as sharing some of their gardening tips they’ve picked up over the years.

One Resident commented: “I love being outdoors, Spring is my favourite season and I enjoy offering a helping hand with the gardening.”

Chapel Level Home Manager, Sarah Fowler said: “I am pleased our Residents are enjoying their gardening club get togethers, they are doing an amazing job looking after our grounds.”

Situated in Broom Gardens, Chapel Level care home offers short and long term care packages for older ladies and gentlemen in Kirkcaldy that require nursing care and nursing memory care for those living with dementia.