Green fingered Resident, Richard Gregory has been busy growing his own organic vegetables at HC-One’s
Manor House care home in Upwood, Ramsey.
Richard was delighted when the team arranged for a greenhouse to be placed in the garden for him to use to grow fresh vegetables. His love of gardening has also inspired other Residents and team members to learn more and try growing their own produce.
Everyone at Manor House has enjoyed the efforts of Richard when the kitchen team used his vegetables to prepare homecooked meals.
Manor House Home Manager, Bhekimpilo Perelion said: “It’s wonderful to see Richard continuing his passion in life, he has shared so much wisdom and inspired others do take an interest in growing fresh food.”
Located on Huntington Road, Manor House care home offers short and long term care packages for older ladies and gentlemen in Ramsey that require residential care, nursing care or nursing memory care for those living with dementia.