Humberston Residents’ campfire FridayAt residential and nursing care home, Clarendon Hall, just outside of Grimsby, Residents participated in a lovely ‘campfire afternoon’.

Colleagues put on a craft session yesterday whereby Residents made lanterns in preparation for the event and this afternoon the lights were dimmed and the campfire afternoon commenced…

Battery operated candles were popped inside each lantern and Colleagues also used specialist sensory light bulbs to help set the mood. 

Everyone then sang traditional campfire songs and Wellbeing Coordinator, Hayley, even toasted marshmallows over a gas burner so that Residents could have the traditional American treat of "Smores"

Residents had a lovely afternoon chatting about camping trips when they were younger and when they were in the brownies or cubs.

Many Residents have asked when will they be repeating this afternoon, as they enjoyed it so much; full of singing laughter and chatting. 

Jean K laughed, “My marshmallow has melted everywhere, it’s very messy, but fun." 

Stephanie, Administrator, commented, “It was wonderful to see everyone joining in, even some carers were able to stop and join in too!”

See pictured Residents Jean K, Jean L, Ann H and Bessie C.