Hyde Nursing home Residents, in Greater Manchester, welcomed the heatwave this week with open arms, with Colleagues taking Residents outside in the garden to enjoy the sun; all with matching sun hats and plenty of SPF 50 on!
Most of the Residents haven't had an opportunity to go outside since before the beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic so it was really nice to be able to see their faces light up as they admired the flowers and the beautiful weather.
Everyone stayed hydrated by drinking plenty of water and enjoyed listening to some music via a Bluetooth speaker with the hit of the day being ‘Blue Moon’ by Gold Band. Everyone particularly enjoyed being out and hearing the birds singing and seeing plants and aeroplanes flying overhead.
One of the Residents said, “'I loved being outside and having a nice chat with staff and the other Residents.”
Adam Perkins, Wellbeing Coordinator, remarked, “It's nice to be able to spend time with the Residents outdoors.”