Residents at HC-One’s Himley Mill care home in Dudley were the recipients of some wonderful hand crocheted blankets which were kindly donated by the local Inner Wheel group.
Sedgley and Wombourne Inner Wheel celebrated their 50th year this year and decided to do something really special. All of the Inner Wheel members crocheted colourful blankets and wanted them to be donated to Himley Mill care home for Residents.
On the 6th April, Colleagues at Himley Mill, Teresa Roberts, Tracey Parks and Marie Bayliss accepted the generous donation from Club President, Alison Baldwin.
In the letter the sent along with the beautiful blankets, Alison wrote: “Please accept these gifts from Sedgley and Wombourne Inner Wheel.”
“This year we celebrated our 50th year of the club meeting and wanted to do something special. As we couldn’t go anywhere, the club, between them, have made 63 blankets.”
“We meet each month at Himley Country Club and as that is next door to you, we thought it would be nice to donate our blankets locally.”
“Yours in friendship.”
Residents were given the blankets and were absolutely over the moon with them and thought they were such a wonderfully heart-felt gesture, which will keep them warm and make them feel homely.
Himley Mill Home Manager, Kelly Smith said: “We are so thankful to our local community for all their ongoing support.”
“The Residents will love their blankets.”