This week at
The Harefield in Middlesex, which provides nursing and nursing dementia care, Colleagues and Residents have been celebrating International Nurses Day.
Nurses are the beating heart of The Harefield and without them it wouldn’t quite be the kind and caring place that it is today. Colleagues have been showing their appreciation by combining the celebrations with World Doughnut Day. Wellbeing Colleagues, James and Amber worked incredibly hard purchasing white t-shirts and asked Residents and Colleagues to sign them with nice messages.
The home was also decorated with lovely posters commemorating the inspiring work that nurses do each day and James also collated a great collection of medicine-themed jokes.
With the fantastic timing of World Doughnut Day to go along side the Nurses celebrations, James and Amber bought an indulgent number of doughnuts for everybody to enjoy. Residents, Carers and Nurses all enjoyed them very much!
All the nurses enjoyed the celebrations and said they were really touched by the consideration and care shown to them. Residents also said they enjoyed the joyous atmosphere that was around the home and seeing their nurses really happy. Daphne would’ve commented but she was too busy eating the doughnuts!
Becky, the Home Manager went on to say, “I think this is a wonderful way of honouring our hard-working nurses”.