Residents at residential and nursing memory care home,
Pennwood Lodge, in Wotton-under-Edge, have been enjoying gardening this August.
On 9th August, Residents planned and started to make a coastal themed garden in an unused overgrown area of the home’s land.
Recycled pots were painted and decorated with shells and used for lavender and coastal plants.
Other crafts linked to the coastal theme have been taking place such as mosaic pictures and shell decorating.
This theme is to be carried on with hanging baskets and a mural of a coastal scene painted by Residents and staff together.
Bob, who lives at Pennwood, said, “I enjoyed making the planters! I love being in the garden, it relaxes me!”
While gardening, everyone was singing songs about being by the sea.
Sarah Daly, Care Home Manager, remarked, “It’s always nice to improve areas with the assistance of the Residents to improve their environment.”
Today, the gardening theme continued with Resident Ruth’s ‘Pick and Mix Garden’.
Colleagues recently found an old packet of seeds. Ruth, who lives at Pennwood, suggested they sow the seeds to see what happened.
Ruth has been watering and waiting to see what sprouts from the ground and now there is a lovely display of mixed flowers. They intend to pick and press the flowers to make book marks to give out to Relatives.
Ruth commented, “I just love being in the garden planting flowers!”
Sarah added, “It was great to see Ruth with so much enthusiasm and it is lovely to see the outcome of mixed flowers.”