A special Resident at HC-One’s Linlithgow care home recently celebrated her milestone 100th birthday and had a few surprises to make it that extra bit special.
Colleagues at the home planned Milly Ure’s birthday at Linlithgow care home on 22nd June to perfection. The day began with a lovely afternoon tea, with a spread of sandwiches, cakes and prosecco all on offer. Milly enjoyed the afternoon tea with staff and Residents which was followed by a formal presentation form John Cunningham. John is not only one of the homes Care Assistants, he is also the Provost of Linlithgow.
Many staff were in attendance to help celebrate the occasion while Milly's friend Sheila was able to socially distance and watch proceedings at a safe distance through a window.
Milly's family were also able to be a part of the party by joining a zoom call, including her son Ian who lives in Spain.
When asked what the secret to a long life is, Milly said: “Country dancing, everyone needs to do more country dancing to stay healthy.”
Milly loved every aspect of her day but especially enjoyed seeing her family and friends over Zoom. She was also very pleased to receive lots of gifts and cards from family and friends but was especially delighted to receive her card from The Queen.
Linlithgow Home Manager, Roger Milligan said: “It was an honour to be able to celebrate such a momentous occasion with Milly.”