A very lovely surprise was organised for a Resident at
Springfield House residential and residential memory care home, near Gateshead, today
One of the home’s Residents Mr Tom Athey, used to work as a coach driver in the 1960s for a company called ‘Henry Cooper’ from Annitsford.
A couple of weeks ago, they passed the place on the home’s mini bus and Tom started to tell Colleagues that he spent the best days of this life there.
The home then decided to email the company straight away, and the owner of the garage, Graham, said he could remember Tom and invited him back to have a look around. Tom was over the moon with the response.
The day was fantastic; talking about the good old days, and climbing aboard the old-fashioned double-decker buses. Tom even had a tour of the garage and before they left, he was presented with a company tie.
Graham said, “It was delight to see Tom after all these years!”
Tom was over the moon and added, “I couldn’t have had a better day!”
Glynis McDermott, who is a member of the home’s wellbeing team, commented, “This was a lovely gesture and there was not a dry eye in the house with so many lovely memories flooding back.”
Also, today at Springfield House the home has teamed up with fellow HC-One home Kirkwood Court and delivered a food hamper to Kenton Food Bank.
This was an idea brought up by the home’s admin staff, and to say it went down well at the food bank would be an understatement!
The people at the food bank were delighted and posed for photographs with Residents, staff and the hampers.
Helen, who is a Resident, said, “What wonderful people doing a really good job!”
Glynis added, “I am delighted that hampers were going to a good cause.”