Many activities at Fullarton care homeHC-One’s Fullarton, nursing and nursing memory care home, in Ayrshire have had a month of activities.

Halloween kicked off the activities at Fullarton at the end of October. 2 parties were held for the Residents in each of the buildings. All the staff on duty were in the Halloween spirit and got involved by dressing up and helping with the activities. 

Games played were apple bobbing, pass the parcel and jaffa cake on a string. The music was provided by the Maintenance staff, who stood in for the DJ a both parties. Both parties finished with treats from the decorated trolley. The kitchen supplied the parties with lovely tablet.

One Resident, said, “I loved everything! I loved seeing staff and Residents being involved in the fun and getting wet.”

Another Resident, added, “I am not really too keen on Halloween, but I really enjoyed this party.” Whilst another Resident, said, “Thank you for this fun morning.”
Additionally, Residents held an Act of Remembrance at the front of the care home, to celebrate Remembrance Day. 

Fullarton Residents and staff were delighted to welcome Warren a young bagpipe player to the home to play his music. The Wellbeing Team, lead the Act of Remembrance by reading poetry. 

Residents were able to lay their own wreaths. Residents were delighted to lay their wreaths as 2 of them had never laid a wreath before. 

Relatives were able to join for the Act of Remembrance, it was all socially distanced, but this did not stop everyone from getting involved.

One Resident, commented, “This was beautiful, I really enjoyed it.”

Care Home Manager, Charlotte Beaumont, “It has been great to see all the Residents enjoying themselves. Everyone has loved these activities.”