In celebration of poetry, the Residents at
Market Lavington care home gathered and discussed their favourite poems together.
With the support of Michaela Powell, Wellbeing Coordinator, Residents recalled poems about spring and shared with the group ones they could remember, discussing how they would interpret them, how the poems made them feel and what the poet was trying to put across to the audience.
The group then came up with ideas for writing their own poem about spring. Everyone took turns to discuss how spring made them feel, what it meant to them and what reminds them of springtime.
Dorothy Coates, who is a Resident at the 80-beds residential, nursing and dementia care home, commented, “Spring reminds me of new beginnings and rebirth”
Fellow Resident Angela Wakeley added, “I agree, spring is a sign of warmer days and happy memories.”
The Residents joined together and wrote a wonderful acrostic poem about spring and the flowers that bloom, showing off all their vivid colours and different smells.
Here is their beautiful poem:
Spring has sprung.
Primroses show off their yellow glow.
Rain drips on fresh rose buds.
Iris peaks their blue faces through green leaves.
Narcissus smiles toward the sun.
Gladioli tower above all others.
Over tea and cake the discussion continued and Angela Wakeley, Amy Smith, Phyllis Shellard, Dorothy Coates, Frank Anderson, Gordon Grist and Rona Bushell recalled memories of planting flowers in their own gardens, what they were doing around this time of year and naming all the lovely plants of spring.
Gordon said, “I don’t generally have a favourite flower; they all look so lovely and smell wonderful.”
Phyllis said, “This time of year, we would be starting to lamb, it was always a busy time for our family.”
Michaela remarked, “Spring is a time of joy and wonder, after the cold snap of winter, spring brings new life, sunshine and marks the start of longer days.”
“It was lovely to see the Residents’ faces light up talking about all the different flowers and plants.”