On 14th June, Colleagues at The
Millbrook residential care home, in Manchester, took two Residents to ‘The Portland Basin Museum’ and a great time was had by everyone involved!
The local museum, which is located less than four miles away from the care home in Stalybridge, is based on the industrial revolution which happened in the district in the 1800s. It also displays artifacts found within Tameside from all the way back to the Celtic era which was of much interest to Residents Olivia and Peter, who were accompanied by Colleagues Alina and Gavin.
Both Residents enjoyed the trip and were particularly interested with a clip which was shown depicting public transport and how it had advanced from horses all the way up to modern buses!
On the way back, the group called at a pub and had lunch and a drink.
Olivia and Peter liked reminiscing about their memories of the area and the jobs they did in the industry.
While admiring some memorabilia, Olivia said, “I remember those green buses in Ashton!”
Claire Jones, Home Manager, commented, “The Portland Basin trip was really enjoyed by Olivia and Peter. It’s great to get out and about for a different change in scenery and I am glad all who went had a great time together.”