New Year Thank You cards at Hinckley ParkWith January blues in full swing at Hinckley Park in Leicestershire, which provides residential and nursing care, Residents have been making up some new year thank you cards for a local school.

Despite the chaotic past couple of years, there have been little rays of light coming through. For Hinckley Park, one of these rays came from the Market Bosworth School in Market Bosworth. Over the Christmas period, students at the school wrote letters to all of the Residents at Hinckley Park, which in turn, were displayed on the walls in the care home. The cards have definitely brightened up the place and now that New Year has come by, Residents wanted to return the favour.

Residents made and decorated some Thank You cards which were sent over to the school for them to brighten their walls with! There are some very artistic and talented Residents at Hinckley Park, and they hope with their expertise they can help get rid of some January blues for the students. 

Alison, a Resident at Hinckley Park said, “Its nice to give back. We’ll have to send them more cards through the year”. Another Resident went on to say how much she enjoyed doing this, reading the children’s letters and coming up with something to send back. 
Karen, the Home Manager said, “Its so lovely that the Residents wanted to thank the children for their letters, I love seeing them getting involved with the community”.