The staff of
Northgate House, in Glagow which offers residential, nursing and nursing memory care for those living with dementia decided to treat the Residents to a beach party out in the gardens and take advantage of the sunny weather!
The staff dressed for the occasion wearing grass skirts to entertain the Residents and the area was decorated with a beach scene, a sandy beach area and inflatable palm trees, beach balls, and pineapples.
Residents had inflatable guitars, flower necklaces and big sunglasses to get into the party spirit. There was lots going on to keep everyone entertained and one of the home’s carers became a resident DJ for the day and played all the home’s favourite party tunes to dance and sing along!
Activities for the day including hook a duck which the staff set up by using a paddling pool, there was also garden bowls, a putting green, building sandcastles, beach ball games and giant Connect 4.
Everyone enjoyed burgers, hot dogs, candy floss, pick ‘n' mix, ice cream and there was a drinks stall, it was a fun packed day.
The Residents commented and said how they really enjoyed all the entertainment and being outside enjoying the good weather. One Resident said, “The music was good and really enjoyed the dancing”.
Kate Cairns, Care Home Manager said, “It was a fantastic day, all the staff joined in to give the Residents a fun enjoyable time and lifted the spirits of staff and Residents".