The Olympics have come to
Stadium Court residential, nursing, residential dementia and nursing dementia care home this week.
What a fun week everyone had with all departments joining in. Alison Davis, Wellbeing Lead, organised the week to start with an egg and spoon race. The Residents were cheering on their own team versus Colleagues. When the race started, Babs from the kitchen team, was off like a shot and won the race. Ruth, one of the Residents of Spode House, won her race and she was so excited.
One of the Residents commented, “This reminds me of sports day, it’s been a long time since I’ve done any racing!”
For the next two days, unfortunately the games were rained off, so the Residents carried on inside doing archery and disc throwing.
On the day of the final race, the bean bag race, Residents were out cheering for their teams but overall, it was kitchen staff who won and the Stafford Residents.
Alison said it was a wonderful few days with plenty of healthy competition and enthusiasm.