Residents and staff at
Amerind Grove, nursing and dementia care home, in Ashton, were very excited to be holding their open day and summer fete.
At the beginning of July, it was a busy time for lots of care homes as everyone was celebrating Care Home Open Week 2022.
The fun started at Amerind Grove on the 1st of July with the home hosting an open day. Residents, family members and members of the local community were invited along to the home to enjoy a guided tour and lots of fun activities.
Everyone was outside enjoying the sun, listening to the band and of course having a boogie and a sing along. The Residents love the singing, and some couldn’t stop dancing. There was also a lovely buffet lunch for everyone to enjoy.
The fun only continued on the 2nd of July as the home hosted their Summer Fete.
There were lots of stalls, games, raffles, and plenty of activities for Residents and guests to enjoy. A BBQ was a highlight of the day as many guests tucked in to enjoy a burger and some lovely snacks. To top of a fantastic day there was a singer who performed in the garden, everyone sat around in the sun enjoying the music.
Residents had such a fantastic time and are looking forward to more activities in the future.
Michelo Kalengo, Care Home Manager, commented, “We all had a fantastic couple of days, we can’t wait to do it all again next year.”