Residents at
Pennwood Lodge care home, Wotton-under-Edge, were pleased with a visit from the local birds of prey, based in the village of Kingswood.
During a recent Residents meeting at Pennwood Lodge, Residents suggested that they would like to see some birds of prey, so Colleagues set out to make this happen.
Bird Handler Jenny Warring brought with her three owls for the Residents to see and handle if they wanted to. There was a small owl, a barn owl, and an Indian barn owl. Jenny had explained that all her birds are rescue birds and very tame.
Twenty Residents attending the session and were fascinated and asked some very good questions and many had a go at holding the owls too. See pictured John Davis, Patrick Kerr and Barbra Wells, who all live at the 45-bed residential, nursing and dementia care home.
Shelia, who lives at the care home, commented on how interesting it was.
Julie, Pennwood Lodge’s Wellbeing Coordinator, said, “It was lovely to see the Residents engaging with the birds. Definitely one activity to repeat.”