Residents at Hatfield’s nursing and nursing dementia care home, St. Christophers, have had a surprise visit from Performing Pet’s at the beginning of the week.
Performing Pet’s is a local pet company who bring some of their lovely animals out to meet the local communities. They visited St. Christophers and brought along two of their piglets for the Residents to meet.
The piglets were taken along to each Residents room, which meant everyone got an opportunity to see and hold them if they wanted to. They brought a lot of joy to many Residents, and they enjoyed lots of cuddles. The piglets made themselves very comfortable in the Residents beds and would’ve been really happy to move in full time!
All of the Residents said they really appreciated a little pet therapy and some even asked if they could keep them. St. Christophers are big fans of animals and keep their own tortoises, so Residents and Colleagues very much enjoy any animal visits they get. The Wellbeing team and Performing Pet staff created a beautiful morning for the Residents and everybody is much looking forward to having them visit again.
One Resident commented, “What a wonderful surprise on Monday morning!” whilst another went on to say, “Oh aren’t they lovely, can we keep them?”
David Chimhini, Home Manager at St. Christophers said, “It was nice to see how happy the animals made the Residents and how much of a big smile it put on their faces”.