Residents at
Priory Gardens care home in Pontefract, paid a visit to the local resource centre to meet with other members of the local community.
Four Residents, Patty, Hazel, Queenie and Margaret has a really great time getting out and meeting lots of new people from the local area.
These four Residents are a part of the Red House Ramsey, at Priory Gardens and were making friends with other local people, so they could be invited over to the home for future events. It was great for the Residents to meet lots of new people and build links within the local community.
It was a lovely day out for the Residents, they were singing and dancing to some classic songs, they were having a ball. The entertainment was fantastic singing lots of songs the Residents knew. There were some delicious refreshments which included cakes, and hot drinks.
The Residents are looking forward to taking another trip back to the resource centre and to invite members of the local community to Priory Gardens.
Allison Gill, Care Home Manager, commented, “Its fantastic to see community links being restored- this is something we can build on in the future. Everyone had a great time.”
Located on Ladybalk Lane, Priory Gardens offers short and long term care packages for older ladies and gentlemen who require nursing, residential or residential dementia care.
The home is also proud to have a 9.8/10 average user rating provided by Residents and their families on the leading comparison website in the care sector, carehome.co.uk.