Priory Gardens, residential, nursing, and residential dementia care home, in Pontefract, it is really important for Residents to have one-to-one time.
Leslie Wilson, a Resident, enjoyed a walk to local shop to buy his paper.
Wellbeing Coordinator, Karen accompanied Leslie and they chatted about the local area, how he has enjoyed playing football when he was younger.
Once in the shop Leslie selected the paper of his choice and paid and thanked the shop assistant.
When Leslie was back home at Priory Gardens, he read the paper form cover to cover.
Leslie loved the little walk out, he said, “It was a lovely day for a walk, it has really made my morning.”
Allison Gill, Care Home Manager, remarked, “One to one activities are vitally important as it is continuing with the activities Lesie enjoyed before he came to live with us.”