Residents at HC-One’s
Winters Park, residential and residential memory care home, in Penrith, were very excited to have some fury friends come for a visit.
Paul, Deputy Manager at Winters Park brought in his two shiatzu puppies, Bella and Kylo.
The Residents adored having a cuddle with both puppies who sat very quietly on their knees. The puppies loved all the extra attention.
Since the puppies have been, the Residents have been asking Paul when he is going to bring them back. It is now going to be a weekly treat for the Residents.
Joyce Elder, a Resident, said, “Can we keep them?”
Most of the staff and Residents, added, “I think I’m in love…”
Kate Lewis, Care Home Manager, commented, “It’s wonderful how relaxed the puppies make the Residents and how stroking them makes everyone happy.”