Today at HC-One’s Ashton View residential memory care, nursing and nursing memory care home, in Wigan, for the last two weeks they have been raising funds to purchase some hatching equipment.
Colleagues have been making up hampers and prizes (see pictured) to raffle off to raise some money.
A while ago, a few Residents spoke about pets and the love of having something to look after, so Colleagues discussed this with Home Manager, Mela, and after a vote with Residents on all units, it was decided to get some ducks and chickens. And instead of hiring the equipment, they decided to raise funds to provide the home with their very own incubator and habitat to hatch and welcome the new additions to Ashton View.
Currently the home has an incubator and eggs nesting on the Evans community and once they have hatched, they will be moving up to the pilling community where they will visit each of the other communities daily. A little pond in the garden is currently being developed for when the birds are old enough.
One of the Residents, Nelly Kelly, sits with the incubator making sure that no one touches them. She gives everyone who is carouse the full lesson on how to care for them and to make sure they read the home’s duck care plan. She said, “Do not touch the eggs. They are in incubation and they are not ready yet!”
Wellbeing Coordinator, Stacey Sharples, said, “I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this experience possible. It is going to be such a beautiful experience for us all.”
“We are now on the countdown to see out hatchlings. 28 days and counting. Watch this space as we will post photos of their progress and hatching day.”