Guisborough care home raise money for Children in NeedResidents and Colleagues at HC-One’s Park House in Guisborough recently raised some money for the great Children in Need charity.

Friday the 13th was the day of this year’s Children in Need and Residents and staff at Park House wanted to donate to this great cause. They could not have the kind of event that they would like, because of coronavirus restrictions, but they still tried their hardest to make it as fun as possible.

Colleagues ran a Pudsey raffle, in which they raised £50. Residents had fun pulling out the winning tickets and getting involved with the fundraising. 

Park House kitchen made some wonderful Pudsey cakes so the wellbeing team did one on one visits with each of the Residents in their room, giving them each a Pudsey cake.

Park House Resident Kath said: “I did not want to bite in to my iced Pudsey cake because he was too cute to eat!”