This month at The Willows in Hinckley, which provides residential and residential dementia care, Residents have been making some preparations for Remembrance Day.
The Residents wanted to do something special to remember those who had sadly lost their lives while protecting their country. After a long discussion filled with ideas, everyone agreed on doing a display board that could be displayed in the lounge for everybody to see. Residents got straight onto making their poppies to put on it, some decided to colour the poppies while others used tissue paper or made stickers.
After this, Colleagues worked on getting some images and poems to go up with the poppies and with the assistance of the Residents a nice selection was chosen. They also helped with arranging the images on the board and the poppies, everybody was very happy with the results.
Jackie, a Resident at The Willows said, “the board is a lovely idea, its nice to remember those we lost”.
Anna, the Home Manager commented, “What a beautiful display the Residents have come up with”.