Romford care home’s own garden clubAs you can see by the photos this month, Residents at Chaseview care home, in Essex, have been very busy out in the gardens. 

Thousands of poppy seeds have been sewn on Armistice Day with the help of the home’s Head Housekeeper who ordered the seeds. In addition, the father of one of the wellbeing team members had also donated hundreds of daffodil, tulip and narcissus bulbs. 

The Residents have been so busy and are looking forward to seeing them in bloom next year. 

After each session, Residents enjoy a nice hot cup of tea and a slice of delicious homemade cake. 

Home Manager, Beverley Therese, remarked, “It’s so lovely for Residents to be out in the fresh air at this time of year; fortunately, the weather has allowed it!”