VE Day was celebrated at
Overdene House residential and nursing care home, in Winsford, as Residents were visited by the local primary school children and had an afternoon full of exciting activities.
Children from The Grange Primary School came to visit Overdene House Residents, outdoors, on 6th May to celebrate the 77th anniversary of VE day.
The group talked about what VE Day meant to them and why it was so important. The children then joined Residents in designing their own Spitfire paper aeroplanes and having a competition to see which was the best flyer.
One of the children, Xanthe, won the competition with Overdene Resident, Chris, coming in at a close second.
They then finished off the visit by teaching the children the iconic song ‘It's a long way to Tipperary’.
Everyone really enjoyed the afternoon and are looking forward to inviting the group back.
Sam Hulse, who lives at Overdene House, commented, “It's nice to see the children.”
Cath Burns, Home Manager, remarked, “Intergenerational activities are so important, especially when it comes to sharing events like VE Day and Residents sharing their memories with the children".